What did you watch while eating breakfast today?

What did you shoot that with/what were your settings? My moon is nowhere NEAR as detailed, and I was using a 300 f2.8. You’ve got gorgeous shots!
Mine: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=12741&l=179c1&id=703291673
This is the eclipse from 8/27, well 8/28 when it was visible from my house.
Is there any pics of the actual Aug.28/07 eclipse.I would love to see what the eclipse looked like as it happened.Please let me know if you have eclipse pics of last night.Thanks Steve
This was shot with a Rebel XT and a pretty low end 80-210mm. Depending on the shot I was using f/5.6 to f/8, ISO 200 and shutter speeds between 1/8 and 0.8 seconds.
I can see Facebook from work so I’ll check out your shot later.
Honesty – I don’t think my moon is detailed enough. I’ve seen shots with more detail using Canon 50mm f/1.8 lens