
On Friday, I realized that I hadn’t picked up my camera or touched a picture in almost six days! That sort of thing stresses me out because photography has become so much a stress reliever. The fact that I hadn’t been near a photo in that long was making me itch.

I decided that I would get all Bert Stephani and take a run at my own sort of 50-50 Project.  My goal was to shoot 50 photographs, all in one day, using just my 50mm f/1.4 lens and then share them.  There would be no retakes, to editing, no deleting – take 50 shots and get ’em out there.  The only thing I did do was convert them all to black and white.  Sure there are some clunkers in here, but there are some winners too.

In the end it sort of turned into a “Day in the Life” type project as well.  That wasn’t what I set out to do, it just sort of happened.

Would I do this again for some inspiration.  Absolutely!  Just not with a 400mm lens!  That would be a lot of pictures!

So here you go!  It’s a little sappy (Thank you Darius Rucker), but I think it works.

50 Images @ 50mm from Paul Lender on Vimeo.