Page 194. There is an almost nude woman with a belly there. Not a flat belly. A real belly. The belly that might have had a couple of kids. A belly that might not hit the gym everyday. A lot of people seem to be noticing it.

You can follow the link to see what I’m talking about. Page 194

My personal take on it is that it’s a really refreshing image. A real woman that is comfortable in her skin. She looks great. She looks confident.

99.9% of the stuff we see in magazines has been touched up. Heck, just about every images that comes out of LoC photo has been giving a bit of polish before it gets out the door. I’m sure the photo of this real woman did too – but the one thing they could have done was tone up her tummy and instead they left it alone.

It might be the only time I congratulate Glamour, but I will. Props to them. Be confident it on your skin!