
It’s been a while since I just went out and shot for fun – just picked up my camera and did whatever I wanted with it.   Today I did just that.  I got off my @ss and shot (GOYA).

The first picture in this post is one of two robin’s nests that are in the yard this year.  These guys are the youngsters.  The other nest if full of ugly babies that already have their feathers coming in and barely fit in the nest anymore.

Lace Curtain

This next shot is the light at the top of the steps leading up to my bedroom.  It’s being filtered by a lace curtain and a venetian blind.  It happens every night that isn’t cloudy at just about 7:30PM.  Anybody want to come and stand in here and have their picture taken?  I think a portrait would work really nice.

Dry Veins

Play Ball