Marriage Lesson

Life really is incredible when you think about it. Michelle and Kevin met back in grade school at the Catholic church they ended up getting married in. They both did their own thing for a long time but when people are meant to be together they also seem to find each other again.

This was really a great wedding to shoot, Michelle and Kevin were a great couple and didn’t mind me dragging them all over the place for shots after their ceremony. Patience is incredible too. 😉

St. Mary Magdalene is the church I go to with my family as well. I’ve been there (just about) every Sunday. I know a lot about it, but I never really looked at it much through the lens. Michelle and Kevin wanted to capture the church and the grounds around it because they had so many memories there.

Mary Magdelene



Old Chevy

Cheers to the Newlyweds

I wish them both all the best as they head off into their future together!

On Their Way


[…] Michelle and Kevin go way back with LoC.   I’m pretty sure they were the first wedding that appeared on this blog with me as the primary shooter.  It’s been a few years since then, and I got the chance to meet back up with them to take a few portraits of their young and growing family.   The weather that morning was pretty brisk for late fall, but the girls were troopers.  We walked the trails a bit, played in some leaves and then celebrated their daughter’s first birthday with cupcakes! […]