This is Andrea.  I blame her for LoC.

You see, several years ago we met in a through a little photo group on Flickr.  We were all super awesome at shooting pictures of flowers and rocks, calling them art, and getting together to look at them at a little bar down in Tremont once a month.  Slowly, though, our interests started to change.  We started doing some portrait work here and there.  The thoughts of making photography a career began to incubate.  One day, I got a call from Andrea.  Help me (Obi Wan Kenobi) shoot a wedding.  It was all downhill from there! 😉

Now she runs the very successful Photographs by Andrea out of South Carolina. And well, my little venture into portraits and weddings has turned in LoC.  We still shoot side by side for a few more dates in Ohio, but last week she needed some new work for her website.  So after spending Friday and Saturday shooting two fabulous weddings together I invited her over to the garage studio for a session on seamless.

Little did I know she would show up dressed as Han Solo….

Andrea - Head Shot

I get this look a lot when we work together. Some people just don’t appreciate creative genius.

I Get This Look a Lot


And then there was some goofing around at the end of the session…

I'll Fix That in Photoshop



It really was a lot of fun! I don’t often get to bring out all the lights and blasters!

OMG – these are great! This shoot also made me feel more for clients when they ask me “How do you want me to stand?” “What do you want me to do?” and I usually think it’s fairly obvious! It ISN’T!!!!!

Thanks again for doing this Paul!